First Aid

First Aid

A number of staff are trained in First Aid and First Aid Kits are available throughout the University. The list of qualified First Aid Personnel is available from the University's Human Resources Department.


Please note that Defibrillators are kept in the following locations in the University:

  1. Catering Services Building – Outside the Main Reception
  2. Barrow Centre – Sports Office
  3. Engineering Technology Building – Main Foyer
  4. GAA Stand – Entrance Hall
  5. Physiology Lab (C149) has a mobile unit
  6. Wexford Main Campus (St. Peters)
  7. Art & Design Campus  

Fire Drills

Each area of the Campuses have an assigned assembly point, students and staff should familiarise themselves with the location fire exits and assembly points. There are ‘You are here’ signs located on the back of room doors and in the stairwells which indicate the location of the fire exits and the directions to the nearest assembly point.

When the fire alarm is sounded, all staff and students must:

  • Stop all work and activities
  • Put chairs, stools away and remove other items to ensure passageways are clear
  • Switch off all moving machinery and equipment
  • Leave the area using the designated evacuation route
  • Walk and move quickly, do not run
  • Do not shout, keep quiet and pay attention to the fire marshals
  • Stay with a group, do not straggle
  • Avoid crowding, do not push or engage in ‘horse play’
  • Do not return to the building to collect personal items etc
  • After leaving the building, move directly to the assembly area
  • Do not smoke at any time during the evacuation

You should only return to the building when instructed to do so by the Fire Marshals

Anyone caught maliciously breaking/ vandalising any of the fire break glass units, exiting through a designated fire doors or tampering with fire fighting equipment will be subject to disciplinary regulations.